Disease Control

(33 Articles To Read From.)

Keeping Diseases At Bay

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1. Install a Footbath - Ensure a footbath is placed at the entrance of the coop/housing  unit to disinfect shoes and prevent the introduction of pathogens. Regularly use disinfectants like Kerol, Neo Cleanse, Bio-safe or any other brands.

2. Maintain Dry Floors - Keep the floors dry to eliminate breeding grounds for bacteria, mould,…

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Newcastle Disease (NCD)

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What you need to know about Newcastle  disease

Newcastle disease is a highly contagious viral infection that affects many species of domestic and wild birds.

domestic fowl are more susceptible while a mild form of the disease affects ducks. The disease can result in digestive, respiratory, and/nervous clinical signs, which range from a mild, almost…

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Gumboro Disease (IBD, Infectious Bursal Disease)

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The disease is caused by birna virus of serotype 1

The virus is very stable and is difficult to eradicate from an infected farm


IBD virus is very infectious and spreads easily from bird to bird by way of droppings. Infected clothing and equipment are the means of transmission between farms

clinical signs

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Mareks Disease

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Mareks disease is a highly contagious viral disease of poultry characterized bt T cell Lymphomas and peripheral nerve enlargement. standard criteria used for diagnosis include history, clinical signs, gross necropsy, and histopathology. 


Being highly contagious mareks are readily transmitted among chickens when fully developed it may be transmitted through feather follicles from which is…

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Bumble Foot

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The health and success of chicken lie in our hands. knowing what disease they are at risk for is critical for you to allow them to live a healthy life.bumblefoot is caused the introduction of staphylococcus bacteria an is found on the toes, hocks, and pads of chicken  foot 


Dirty and dump litter in…

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This is a respiratory disease of chicken caused by bacteria that occurs at any stage of the bird. They can contract a disease by either direct contact with an infected bird or the bird can also catch the disease by breathing airborne bacteria and consuming contaminated feed or water


The major carriers of infectious…

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Poultry Diseases

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Poultry diseases have a negative impact  on poultry production they can lead to either

  •  mortalities
  • Morbidity
  • Retarded growth
  • Reduced and lowered production
  • The high cost of production due to the purchase of birds or as a result of loss 

Disease refers to  any deviation from the normal functioning of the animal's body 


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Bio Security

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Implementing biosecurity on a poultry operation can prevent the introduction and spread of infectious diseases, including Avian Influenza. The biosecurity resources below are based on the Checklist for Self? Assessment of Implementing Poultry Biosecurity, which reflects the items included in the Standard E Biosecurity Principles within the National Poultry Improvement Plan, or…

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