Poultry Husbandryphp

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Husbandry is the care, maintenance, and  breeding of poultry

To achieve good bird, barn, and gut health one requires operational excellence and attention to detail. A combination of quality nutrition, vet guidance, and increased consideration of barn and bird management will help to ensure you have the best possible chance to perform at their maximum potential. The following are  factors to consider in poultry husbandry


Effective biosecurity can aid hygiene, vermin, and insect control on the farm and help to limit disease transmission within and between barns

Downtime between flocks

Adequate downtime of at least 14days with appropriate cleaning and disinfection measures between flocks help to reduce transmission of diseases between flocks and allows time to prepare for the next flock

Pre-placement preparation


It helps to reduce losses during brooding and the rest of growth out. Checkpoints to keep in mind; heaters, floor temperature, temperature, and relative humidity, ventilation, drinkers, and feeders

Coccidiosis prevention

Coccidiosis is caused by a microscopic intestinal parasite, the parasite has an impact on intestinal integrity and predisposes birds  to the intestinal problems

Brooding management

With today's improved genetic capabilities and fast growth of birds, more time is being spent during the critical brooding phase. Ensuring a good start in poultry  production can have sufficient  impact on the future health and performance of birds, the brooding period is an Important time for intestinal growth and development of a balanced microflora

Litter management

Litter acts as bedding for birds. In addition to birds standing and resting on the litter they naturally peck them. Litter should therefore be kept clean starting from when the chicks are placed all the way through production. Wet litter presents a vicious cycle for intestinal health, It also increases ammonia level in the poultry house. Dry  litter is an indication that the birds  haven't taken enough water while too much dust may lead to respiratory problems

Water management

Water accounts for 70-80% of the bird's nutrients, poultry generally consumes more water than feeds making water the most crucial nutrient for poultry. An abundance of clean water will reduce challenges and maximize performance. How to manage your water; cleaning of drinkers line, flushing water lines between flocks and during  production and eliminating mineral build-up, and maintaining drinking equipment

Feeds management

Birds must have easy access to feeds, proper feeds line heights corresponding to the height of the birds helps to reduce feeds wastage and mixing feeds with litter, and it ensures all birds access to feeds. Provide birds with good quality feeds free from contaminations.

Stocking density

A higher stocking density of poultry in addition to crowded housing conditions has been shown to have a negative impact on performance, causing stress to both birds and intestinal microbiota. Lowering stocking density through  the overall production of birds may help  to reduce challenges

Environmental management

 General environmental management of poultry house includes many components such as temperature, relative humidity, ventilation, and light. Understanding  that these  components  work both separately  and together can help to guide your management  practices

Monitoring during times of transition

Monitor  the temperature, humidity, and ventilation inside the poultry  house, as well as outside temperature, .monitor feeds and water consumption helps to monitor  stock progress

Keeping an eye on the equipment

Walking the barns routinely also help  to ensure equipment remains in working order

Mortality check

Cull diseased birds as early  as possible

Flocking  health management

Work with the vet to design  a program customized for your flock's health

Communication and teamwork

Ensure strong communication and coordination between those  involved in helping your farm  run smoothly   which will ensure a stronger and more successful gut health